Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Healing Power of LR World’s Aloe Vera Drinking Gel---"This testimonial was written by Patrick Hennesey - LR Partner"

I have a wonderful doctor who has looked after my needs for many years and my respect for her could not be any higher. However last Friday afternoon I told her that I no longer needed her to prescribe pain killers, anti-inflammatory’s or morphine patches to control my arthritic pain. The reason being was that I have finally found the answer and it is straight from Mother Nature LR World “Aloe Vera Drinking Gel”

I have suffered for more than 20 years with osteo-arthritis and during that time I have had two hip replacements and fusion surgery to my left ankle. Unfortunately these surgical solutions have never resolved the pain problem. Consequently until recently I still had to use prescription drugs, which in fact do no healing and only temporarly mask the pain. Of course during all this time I have been very concerned about the side effects of these medications, but until now I knew of no other option.

However I was recently introduced to LR World Aloe Vera Drinking Gel. The Freedom Gel included Glucosamine & Chondriotin so I realised this may well help me. Well the results were remarkable because within 10 days of first taking the Aloe Vera drinking gel the extreme pain and swelling, that I have endured for many years just disappeared. There is nothing worse than to suffer constant never ending pain, so to have found a wonderful natural product that can give you back real quality in your life is nothing less to me than winning first prize in the Lotto! All the prescription medicine and side effects are now in the garbage bin!

We are all aware that most Health Professionals are very sceptical about natural medicine. However I was able to demonstrate further proof of the healing power of the Aloe Vera Drinking Gel recently when I had a consultation with my physiotherapist. At that time I was only on the second bottle of the Aloe Vera Freedom Drinking Gel. I should explain that my physio is no ordinary physio, he umpired more than 200 AFL games; he is a physio to the Australian Cycling Team and the Victorian Institute of Sport as well as several local sporting teams and is the senior partner in a Sports Injury Clinic and general practice.

The last time I saw him in June I was experiencing extreme pain in my ankle and it was red and swollen. He started to massage the swollen area but it was so painful I had to tell him to stop. Now in this August visit I no longer had any pain, my ankle was normal size and it was the right colour. Need I say he was extremely impressed, wanted information about the Aloe Vera Gel and said he wanted to prescribe the product to his patients.

We all know about the pride German companies have in producing quality products. LR World is a German company and they are proud of their reputation for quality. This Aloe Vera drinking Gel is 90% pure and has been approved by the Aloe Vera International Science Council and the world renowned Fresenius Institute which has 155 years of experience in the field of nonmedical analytics. Their conclusion on LR world’s Aloe Vera drinking Gel is of the Highest Purity and First Class Quality.

Of course it is wonderful to be pain free, but let’s not forget all those people still out there risking the disastrous side effects of taking conventional prescription medicine. Be aware of the fact that taking those chemicals significantly increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stomach bleeding, tiredness & blurred vision to name a few. Most of these prescribed medications also carry a warning to the consumer to avoid driving or operating machinery after use.

I am absolutely convinced that these LR Aloe Vera drinking Gel products have significantly assisted in restoring my immune system and consequently my health and energy. This product is for everyone not just for those that have health challenges. It is a first class drink for all the family as a preventative against illness or as a support to those of us that suffer a multiple number of diseases not the least Arthritis and Diabetes. It is the duty of every one of us to go out and share this information with everyone. 
Many consumer goods that we use in our daily lives bear the SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS quality seal. By attaching this seal to their products, manufacturers document their above-average commitment to quality and safety. Under Consumer Information you will find the latest information about product quality and the Products bearing the SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS quality seal.

International Aloe Science Council Seal of Approval

For information booklet or further information:
Angela Benicvenga, LR Partner

email: angie@heavenly-LR.com

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